Saturday, March 21, 2009

Eleven Year Endometriosis Completely Handled

From the ages of 12 to 23, I experienced the excruciating and debilitating symptoms of the disease called endometriosis that would strike without warning and would either last for a few days out of the month, or for entire consecutive months on end. It became a common occurance for me to be rushed to the hospital at all hours of night and early morning suffering from excessive bleeding/clotting and pain so severe that I would lose consciousness and go into shock, and on my "good days" I would still feel extreme fatigue, problems concentrating as well as radiating pain throughout my abdomen, limbs and spine. Having experienced these symptoms for so long with doctor after doctor essentially telling me that this was just my rotten lot to learn to live with, I felt deflated, but not yet defeated. I wasn't satisfied with the "answers" I was getting from Western doctors and began to research into alternative methods of healing and achieving relief, eventually discovering wheat and gluten free eating which cut my pain and other symptoms literally in half. This was a great improvement - so great that I was able to go back to work and to work gainfully. However, it meant that I still felt horrible half of the time.

When my boyfriend first told me about Kangen water, he introduced it to me by saying, "once you drink this water, it will completely handle your endometriosis symptoms." I thought to myself, "well, I already hydrate myself really well... I can't see what would be so special about this water over all the other waters I've tried but hey, what do I have to lose?"
I'll tell you what I had to lose, and what I did lose, by drinking Kangen water; ALL of my excruciating, debilitating, disruptive, annoying, persistant, expensive, endometriosis symptoms!
According to a few doctors I have talked to since this revolution in my own personal health, this shouldn't be possible. One doctor actually told me, "Well, that's nice that you found something that helps you, but drinking water really isn't capable of curing anyone of endometriosis." I just smiled to myself because I have all the proof I need, my own empirical experience. I went from a life where pain, discomfort, and poverty were my "lot", to a life where I have energy and vigor, vitality and drive, clear-mindedness and a completely open horizon to me. This does not jive with what the pharmaceutical companies want the text books to say or the public to believe, but after running around the Western medical circuit, having drug after drug after drug pushed at my health problem with absolutely zero relief and zero results, I'm beginning to see that not everything is what it seems.
This water is definitely more than it seems to be at first glance, and I really hope that after reading this, you will take a look at it, yourself. I drank this water for a month and completely cured myself of an "incurable" disease. What can this water do for YOU? Ask yourself what I asked myself back when I first started drinking this water; what do you have to lose?
You just might find that all you have to lose are all the health complaints you've ever had. And I hope you do.
Katie Broquard - Age 23 - Virginia Beach, Virginia"

Kidney Stones & Inflamed Kidneys

Frédérique (Fred) Carillo – 6A-1:
“This product is amazing"

I found out about this water in June 2008. In May 2008, I had a condition called “xanthogranulamatorus Pyelonghritis” for those who know what that mean…. It’s actually really big kidneys, Kidneys stones and inflamed Kidneys. I was very sick for about 1 month because of this condition. The doctors said that I had to remove some of my stones in order to give my kidneys the longest life possible – he told me that people with this condition very often have to have their kidney(s) removed.

So I went for my first surgery where they removed some of the stones on the right side. I was doing well and I was back to work 2 days after.

A month later he did my left kidney and oh my god I never had been in so much in pain my entire life! I couldn’t eat, couldn’t move was crying every night because of pain - even though I was taking pain killers. I wasn’t able to eat and lost 17 pound in 3 weeks… and I had a big lump growing on my left side…
We got worried so I went back to the emergency room and so I was up for a 3rd surgery….

They discovered that the rest of the stone moved and blocked the flow from the Kidney to the bladder. The lump I had, was blocked urine. They put in a stent (a tube to let the urine flow) to drain the fluids and that was it. I woke up really better! But the doctor wanted me to get back in shape and then do another surgery to remove more stones so he could then remove the stent. He gave me a month.

Right after that I met a friend of mine called Michael, he gave me this water to drink. I consumed it for a month and when I went back to the doctor, I asked him if he could check me out before doing another surgery -I wanted to know if the water was doing anything. He did an X-ray. One week later the doctor called me and was very interested in what I was doing…. I told him I was drinking alkaline water. He said “water’s not gonna do anything for you...” I inquired why he was asking. He said that my stones had reduced like crazy!! That he never saw this, his entire carrier (35 years) and he finally told me what I was waiting to hear: I did not need surgery anymore!!!

I was so happy and bought my machine right then!

Now I also have big results with migraines that I used to have every month…. I don’t have them anymore! Also my husband - who had back pain - drank the water and to his amazement after a short time he has no more back pain. Another great story is one of our staff came to work with fever and vomiting. She drinks some of the water vomited on more time and then very quickly she felt normal when usually she said this will last for at least a week or 2!!!” – So I’m very happy and I really recommend everybody to drink this water!

Frédérique Carillo
Beverly Hills, California

Hip Replacement, Acid Reflux, Blood Pressure

I have had a hip replaced twice already and I am only 54 years old. When I was young I broke my hip playing touch football and have had problems ever since. Even with the replacement, I have been in constant pain and on pain medication for years. I have been on disability and have not been able to hold a regular job for several years because of the pain. Since drinking kangen water I am not taking pain medication any more -- the pain is not totally gone, but I don't need the medication to manage it. Not only does this save a lot of money, but it's much better on my body to not take the medication. I was also being prescribed medication for acid reflux -- it is totally gone and I don't take that medication any more either. My blood pressure had been high -- it is now normal. I feel much better since drinking the water, and am saving money -- a great combination!

Tom Minor - Oswego, Kansas

Friday, March 20, 2009

79 year Old Lives Life Like "55" Again!!

When I bought my Kangen water generator 20 months ago, I didn't even know it had unusual health benefits. Besides, I considered myself to be in top physical health for someone my age - 79. I bought it because the water tasted really good, like the delicious spring water I remembered from a spring in the hills of Kentucky when I was a child.
However, I did lose about 25 pounds that I needed to lose and was down to 121 pounds. I also found that my blood pressure, which had been elevated for 25 years, dropped to normal; I no longer needed to take high blood pressure medication. By sharing the Kangen water I had quickly earned enough commissions to pay for my own machine. It has been the best health and financial investment I ever made.
Then, about eight months ago, I added a new liquid dietary supplement made from humus, called LivFit LivSkinney concentrate. It was about to go on the market as a weight loss product. As a gardener I knew the importance of humus for good tasting, nutritious veggies, but I didn’t need to lose any more weight. I decided to try it anyway. In about three months, I had not lost ANY weight, but had lost six inches in my waist. I had the measurements (36-26-36) and MORE energy, stamina and muscle than I had at 16 when I usually was sick and or had headaches.
Next, about 3 months ago I changed my breakfast to Kangen water blended with 5 to 7 fresh fruits and veggies to provide more needed enzymes to my diet. People tell me I move "like a young person" and guess my age somewhere "around 55." Four of my six children will be 50-57 this year.
This all suggests to me that Kangen water is not only good when people drink it as water, but enables them to get far greater benefits from good food or supplements.
Mary Mostert, Utah

"Eleven Year Endometriosis Completely Handled"

From the ages of 12 to 23, I experienced the excruciating and debilitating symptoms of the disease called endometriosis that would strike without warning and would either last for a few days out of the month, or for entire consecutive months on end. It became a common occurance for me to be rushed to the hospital at all hours of night and early morning suffering from excessive bleeding/clotting and pain so severe that I would lose consciousness and go into shock, and on my "good days" I would still feel extreme fatigue, problems concentrating as well as radiating pain throughout my abdomen, limbs and spine. Having experienced these symptoms for so long with doctor after doctor essentially telling me that this was just my rotten lot to learn to live with, I felt deflated, but not yet defeated. I wasn't satisfied with the "answers" I was getting from Western doctors and began to research into alternative methods of healing and achieving relief, eventually discovering wheat and gluten free eating which cut my pain and other symptoms literally in half. This was a great improvement - so great that I was able to go back to work and to work gainfully. However, it meant that I still felt horrible half of the time.

When my boyfriend first told me about Kangen water, he introduced it to me by saying, "once you drink this water, it will completely handle your endometriosis symptoms." I thought to myself, "well, I already hydrate myself really well... I can't see what would be so special about this water over all the other waters I've tried but hey, what do I have to lose?"

I'll tell you what I had to lose, and what I did lose, by drinking Kangen water; ALL of my excruciating, debilitating, disruptive, annoying, persistant, expensive, endometriosis symptoms!

According to a few doctors I have talked to since this revolution in my own personal health, this shouldn't be possible. One doctor actually told me, "Well, that's nice that you found something that helps you, but drinking water really isn't capable of curing anyone of endometriosis." I just smiled to myself because I have all the proof I need, my own empirical experience. I went from a life where pain, discomfort, and poverty were my "lot", to a life where I have energy and vigor, vitality and drive, clear-mindedness and a completely open horizon to me. This does not jive with what the pharmaceutical companies want the text books to say or the public to believe, but after running around the Western medical circuit, having drug after drug after drug pushed at my health problem with absolutely zero relief and zero results, I'm beginning to see that not everything is what it seems.

This water is definitely more than it seems to be at first glance, and I really hope that after reading this, you will take a look at it, yourself. I drank this water for a month and completely cured myself of an "incurable" disease. What can this water do for YOU? Ask yourself what I asked myself back when I first started drinking this water; what do you have to lose?

You just might find that all you have to lose are all the health complaints you've ever had. And I hope you do.


Katie Broquard - Age 23 - Virginia Beach, Virginia"

MS Symptoms Improve with Kangen Water

I have MS. After drinking kangen water for a few days, I could tell a difference. My blood pressure had been high and it went way down. I could tell I had a little more energy. I have been drinking the water for about seven months now. After three months I really started noticing a difference. I am no longer taking the medication I was self-injecting three times a week. In fact I’m not taking any medication at all! I have more energy than I have had since I was in high school, I feel better all around, and I am much happier. Before, I would try and walk. On good days, I could get about 6 blocks if it was pretty flat. Now, I am walking a mile or more and going up very steep hills. I go shopping with my daughters now and it is fun instead of being a chore. I am losing weight, but more important, I am building muscle. Every day I am amazed at something I am doing that I didn't think I would ever do again. This has all happened because of drinking kangen water!

Karen Garza

Austin, Texas

Testimonial Of Laura Morris Salt Lake City

"When Kangen water came into my life, I was a health disaster. I had high cholesterol, was 50 pounds overweight, suffered from chronic fatigue/fibromyalgia and unusually frequent migraine headaches.

I have learned to manage pain and live with severe leg pain and horrible migraines for the last 20 years, and gotten somewhat better through sheer determination. Living with serious migraines and chronic pain takes over your life. I would wake up with headaches, sometimes every day. It got so bad that I was afraid to go to bed at night. I felt like I was being poisoned in some way. I felt toxic!
I was chronically constipated all these years, sometimes only eliminating twice a week. When I cleansed my body my symptoms somewhat subsided temporarily. Were the contents of my intestines poisoning me? I was also chronically thirsty, yet drank plenty of liquids…another clue. I was tested for diabetes which was negative, as well as thyroid.

In late January 2007 the precious gift of Kangen water came into my life, and at first I had to temper my expectations because so many things had let me down in the past. Initially I must be honest I felt like I had the flu. I was experiencing the best cleanse I had ever had, and was prepared to weather it. It was not so bad anyway, because I began to feel energy quite quickly. Then I began to feel better little by little. I was sleeping better. Normally migraines would wake me at 4am. I was sleeping all the way until 8am! I noticed having tons more energy, and wanting to exercise. Me exercise? My body has always hurt so much that you could not even touch me in places or I would jump from the pain, nevermind exercise! If you have fibromyalgia you know what I’m talking about.

After 18 months, I have lost 35 pounds, my cholesterol is down from 220 to 163, my blood pressure is down from 140 / 90 to 120/68. I very rarely get a migraine anymore, and if I do they are one sixteenth the severity. It would not be ingenuous to say I have no headaches anymore. But my life is nothing like it used to be in any way!! I awake refreshed every morning, feeling great and not in pain dreading getting out of bed. For me that’s a true miracle. I have no more fibromyalgia pain and feel fabulous! I feel better than I have in 20 years! Nothing has given me this kind of energy.

Kangen water has been a true blessing in my life.